Core Concepts for Vibrantly Thriving

Core Concepts for Vibrantly Thriving

(Vibrantly Thriving for us means Thriving in Relationship! for ourselves, for others and for all beings!)


1) Centeredness 

 Link to Article 

Center of the Wheel, Center of the Universe 

Moving, from…with…toward…around…and as Center of the Wheel 

The center of the wheel is the infinite, it is the Universe, it is One-ness. On a more practical level, it is also our center of gravity and center of balance in our physical bodies.  


In the Way of Vibrantly we practice accessing both the deep playful peace of centeredness (parasympathetic nervous system state) as well as centeredness in our physical form. 


2) Mindful Movement & Stillness 

We support the ancient and daily practice of living life from the center of the wheel. As a physical practice it relates to physically moving your body in balance with your bodies core center point. As a philosophy it is an embodied experience of living in balance within yourself, with each other and with our world. Bringing mindfulness and movement into all aspects of the self is a constant challenge and wonderful goal to strive toward. 


3) Compassion 

 Link to Article 

Compassionate Dialogue is a holistic framework for living and relating from our most nourishing, replenishing, and inspiring parts as they expand and connect in our whole brain, where there is trust in discernment of safety. It is both a philosophy for a way of being in the world, as well as a lived practice with specific techniques associated with it. 


4) The We  

Link to Article 

Cultivating the We-Space, the interdimensional field, the space between you and me, and with me. Going only as slowly as it takes to keep the we of myself, the we of you and me, the we of us, and the we of all beings! 


5) The Six Elements of the We-Space

Because the We-space can be so enigmatic when we are just learning it, we have discovered 6 heuristics “short-cuts” to access this space. As long as you have at least 3 of them, you will be pretty close to the mark. Also, if you ever lose yourself, or lose your center, these elements can be called in to help you return. 


They are…

Living, Being and Relating in a way that is..










6) Conscious Kinship 

Restoring Village and Kin-Level Friendship and Remembering how to live as on human family. 

Supporting interactions that are inspiring, replenishing and nourishing and relationships that respect, honor and cherish. Consciously cultivating containers for connection.  


7) Village Tending 

Generating deep connectedness to each-other, self and all beings to practice the everyday aspects of living as one human family. This has to do with our roles where we live, work and interact with others. Generating self-awareness of what we bring and what we take. Striving to be in reciprocity, bearing gifts, aware of what we bring, supporting and connecting with Elders. Learning from our traditional elders. 


8) The Tao 

The experience of the Tao 

Existing in and as the 道 

… “The Tao” Link to Article