Grandmother Sarah Maclean Bicknell

Republished with permission from CoCreavatars International



CoCreavatars New Moon
Message From the Elders #004:

Welcome Grandmother Sarah


Welcome Dearest Readers to Our Virgo New Moon
Message From the Elders.

We are honoring ONE ELDER on each NEW MOON
in order to bring more light to this world!


 In these burning times it is with humble heart and deep gratitude that
we invite and honor the words of our elders who have seen such as this before,
to share their wisdom as they continue to carry on the bundle.

Stepping little by little into the light, opening deeper and further than ever before
individually and collectively. Let us strive to blossom, to receive.
Thank you wisdom keepers, thank you dear Elders,
Grandmothers and Grandfathers. Gratitude for you!

Write me with any comments, ideas or suggestions for Elders we should feature at I look forward to hearing from you dear ones.

With Love & Aloha,
for all of our Relations,

“Right now is a time of arising. There is arising in us an opportunity to shift some of this deep inlaid energy that has been latent for many cycles. I believe right now,  we are in a time where we are able to sit in that place of difficulty and challenge and convert that energy right in that moment into opportunity. Opportunity for change.”
A Time of Arising:

Conversations with Grandmother Sarah

By Grandmother Sarah Maclean Bicknell, Edited by Miku Lenentine

I think we are coming into a deeper understanding of trauma. Another word for trauma would be karma. And we are beginning to experience how trauma is stored in the nervous system. Another word for that is the light body. How that comes down the lineages is part of the contribution of who we are. Some my might call that fate. And then there is the experience we have in this lifetime that we walk through that repeats. Like a cycle repeating down the line, or a manifestation of newer kind of trauma for a person to assimilate. This experience starts a new trajectory down the line.

When we are born I believe that we are the latest version of our ancestors. We have this intelligence since the beginning of time that has been accumulating inside of us. When we are born we have all of those pieces, we then spend our lives making sense of it all and putting it back together again.

Right now is a time of arising. There is arising in us an opportunity to shift some of this deep inlaid energy that has been latent for many cycles. Some of this inlayed energy that we come in with is extremely encouraging, supportive, and awakening, and contributive. As much as we carry the light pieces, we also carry in a lot of the shadow. That is where are attention goes. Our brains are conditioned for negativity in that it is much easier to focus on the negative than the positive. That is an elemental aspect of our brains, not necessarily something inherently bad unto itself. However, there are a lot of things that conspire together that make this tendency emerge in our lives as  problem. I believe right now,  we are in a time where we are able to sit in that place of difficulty and challenge and convert that energy right in that moment into opportunity. Opportunity for change.

“We know in our bones separation doesn’t work. Separation of family, separation of children, separation of ourselves.
It doesn’t work. We are not separate.”

Karma is a really important thing for us to understand. In my work I call it trauma. When we are in trauma we are in the past recollection of something. We are not present in the present moment we are not coherent. For women in particular, there are two very big issues at hand with trauma and shadow work. One is the separation of family, the other is the me too movement. Both of these have the common theme of the illusion separation underlying them.  Women are rising up because the Karmic work in this area is so big it is turning into the potential for light, for shift, for change. We know in our bones separation doesn’t work. Separation of family, separation of children, separation of ourselves. It doesn’t work.
We are not separate. Trauma born out of the experience of separation is creating these behaviors because we haven’t integrated our experiences internally. And all of this trauma has added up because we haven’t really looked at it collectively. We as a world culture have become more disassociated to relationship, disconnect from life and to Pachamama. There is a huge rebalancing being demanded of the world right now.
Violence toward women, separating children and families results in the nightmare that we live in right now. This county is founded on separating families. How many First Nations’ children went to boarding schools? How many slave families conditioned their children so they wouldn’t be separated? These are the people whose voice is the earth. Their song is the land and it has been run over. There is a huge rebalancing that is happening, because that is how nature heals. That is how the natural forces work.
Our debit is quite big.

“These are the people whose voice is the earth. Their song is the land and it has been run over. There is a huge rebalancing that is happening because that is how nature heals. That is how the natural
forces work. Our debit is quite big.”

It is important for all of us to step in and acknowledge that. As women, we carry in our bones why this is not a way to live. We know it keeps producing a cycle of violence and hatred. We are crying for change, crying to move into something else. The thing about the true future is we don’t know what it is. If you can see the future it is just the past repeating itself.

Our work is to come into the present moment, or the spiritual practices that bring us present. Presencing the present. And recognizing when we have fallen away from it. How do we return to our center? To come from a proactive place where that energy is redirected towards creating something new?

Somewhere in the last seven generations prior to our lives now there has been an experience of separation. Whether you have separated from your land because you have emigrated here, separation from your family, because you had to leave part of it behind in order to arrive here. It is enormous, the amount of separation we have experienced. It turns up in people lives as hidden anxiety, and really strong emotional waves of behavior that doesn’t make sense, yet there it is. There are a lot of different ways that people experience this. This is actually a trauma that might have happened several generations back, and there is sort of a loyalty toward the suffering of that experience. So we struggle to let it go.


“Together we can help each other to begin to digest the
seemingly difficult pieces. We can help each other to
choose to do something with all of this energy.”


We now have an opportunity as a community of women to see each other, support and simply, be with each other navigating this. Together we can help each other to begin to digest the seemingly difficult pieces. We can help each other to choose to do something with all of this energy. We can name it, observe it, and by doing so, it is already changing. If we have an intent to continue the victim-hood of suffering we will remain stagnant and keep recycling the suffering. But, if we can stand in the midst of our suffering, and go “wow!”, and observe that is indeed suffering, I get it, that is a lot of energy, and we can do something about it.

What if we leave the suffering to the part of the generation that had the extreme lifetime, the extreme challenge? Then we can take that energy and make something beautiful. What if we take that energy, and put our focus into our community and take action in a particular place? Now, those that are holding the suffering, weren’t suffering for naught. Now, there is a purpose. Someone has finally heard them, someone is finally doing something, and now we are moving into something we have never seen before. That is our work.

“If you take a sacred medicine not in a sacred way without sacred prayer and without intention and honoring of the beautiful vine what would you expect to have happen?”


I have much more to say on this, but I want to pause for a moment to share a few very particular thoughts I have on the use of plant medicines to help assist in this work. This is deep work, and we need each other, and all paths to get there so we can put the pieces back in order. However, it is very important that we approach all medicine, and especially sacred plant medicine with humility and respect, and to understand there are deep traditions at work, and lineage to be mindful of.

In particular, I experience a lot of people coming to me after they have made use of the Grandmother Medicine, Ayahuasca for their healing journey, and things haven’t worked out. It has become a sort of fad of lately. People have gone and drank and she has spoken and it throws them for a loop, she is a very powerful and sacred medicine. She is from a different country, a different environment, and us living on Turtle Island up at the North End, well, we live in a very toxic environment that is very different from the original spaces where the sacred vine lives.

These days it seems everyone is partaking in the medicine without any background, wisdom or respect. People generally know it is not a “party drug” but they aren’t really sure what to do with it. They ingest her and she has to work extremely hard compared to those who have already lived with her in the deep Amazon Tropical Rainforest. In North America there is so much toxicity in the environment, in our culture, it all comes out. People have so much darkness in the experience here because they have no background, no teachings, no living in this way, and they approach her messages as a literal truth rather than realizing they are working with dreamtime. If you take a sacred medicine not in a sacred way without sacred prayer and without intention and honoring of the beautiful vine what would you expect to have happen? You will completely miss the gift of what is there.

One of the things my elders taught was to inquire of the person who is serving, what is the lineage? who are they? What is their family? Are people get well? These are the questions to ask beforehand, about the integrity of those who hold it.  Who makes the tea? Where is she coming from?

Another thing to consider with plant medicine is the importance of coming into alignment with place. The ceremony of this place is Peyote. If you have the opportunity, go to a tipi meeting, sponsored and taught; it’s a hundreds of years old ceremony. It is a ceremony for all nations. Peyote grows here. When we participate with what is here, with the power of that place, we start beginning to ingest it. We ingest place into our bodies and come in alignment with not only the place but also with ourselves.

About Grandmother Sarah

Sarah MacLean Bicknell is a healer, teacher, and mentor. She has studied healing and ceremonial work in North American indigenous traditions for 30 years. She has incorporated her Celtic roots into her present North American practice and is sought out for her intuitive readings, workshops, ceremony, and her soul doctoring practice. She stands in deep gratitude to her elders and teachers that have gone before and stands firmly in her own vision, a vision that is related and crafted for these times of the 21st century. Her work is about connection, community, ceremony and respect. Also raised in the Western world, she has lived the loss of disconnection and is profoundly thankful to her indigenous elders who taught her how to re-arrive more fully into her life.

In 1991, Sarah was adopted by ceremony, into the Ghost Horse, Hunka Waye, Lakota Nation. She stands in deep honor to her elder council/mentors and ceremonial collaborators which over the years have been Adalberto Rivera (Maya), Wallace Black Elk, Buck Ghosthorse (Lakota), Paul Ghosthorse, Rod Mcafee, Vicky Ghosthorse (Sungleska), Grandmother Red Leaf (Cherokee), Donna Carlita, Hernando Salazar (Inca, Peru), Silvia Calisaya Chuquimia (Aymarra, Lake Titicaca), Youseff Bashir (Berber, N. Africa), Betsy Bergstrom (NW coastal, Norse, Scottish), Francesca Boring (Shoshone, N Native European), Harold Blood, Carolyn Hillier, K.Trevelyan (N Native European), Stephan Hausner (Germany), and to the many around the world that she has sat, dreamt and stood in ceremony with.

“What if we leave the suffering to the part of the generation that had the extreme lifetime, the extreme challenge? Then we can take that energy and make something beautiful. Now, those that are holding the suffering, weren’t suffering for naught. Now, there is a purpose. Someone has finally heard them, someone is finally doing something, and now we are moving into something we have never seen before. That is our work.”

How to Support Our Amazing Elder?

Grandmother Sarah has a number of offerings available if you would like to support her work, or participate in her sessions click on the featured offerings for more information. She is also accepting donations for the Night Turtle Foundation. You can donate directly by visiting:

The Night Turtle Foundation is building cross-cultural bridges between ancient wisdom and today. The primary focus is on multigenerational ceremony. This ceremony work heals the earth, ourselves and the future seven generations. 

Grandmother Sarah is interested in sharing her message via podcasts, online video or through any medium you might have. Email her at to invite her to share her wisdom with you and your loved ones!

One on One Sessions
In these sessions, Sarah covers whatever is needed by the client and the circumstances using various modalities including those outlined the offerings below.
Initial Consultation– 30 minutes, no charge
60 minute Session – $180
90 minute Session– $225
Click Here to Schedule a Session with Grandmother Sarah
Living Constellation Work
Living constellation work is a dynamic practice that connects with the knowing field to diagnose and reveal deep and unresolved systemic traumas in the family lineage. 

Click Here for more information on Living Constellation Work…

Dreamtime Guidance
Sarah has been teaching the Dreamer and the Messenger in Seattle for over ten years and has supported expanding dream groups, both virtual and local to Washington state. 

For more information about Dreamtime Offerings Visit Here


Ceremony holds the sacred within the mundane to create a bridge between the seen and the unseen.  Ceremony allows for the heart of creation to be immediate and present, spinning threads together that make up the fabric of our lives. In ceremony we have an opportunity to truly remember who we are in the bigger sense of creative purpose and that life is about all our relatives in life and not just the human ones.

For more information about Ceremony Visit Here

Sacred Connection Workshops
The Sacred Connections is a series of four weekend retreats that follow around the cycle of the sun and the four seasons. For the time shared in community together it allows us to be on the same page.  No previous experience is required or background of religion.  We work with art, constellation, journeying, dreams and other intuitive building work. We come into circle to be with the natural powers of the elements, nature’s allies, ceremony and deep remembering of who we have always been throughout time. 

For more information about Sacred Connection Workshop Offerings Visit Here

I offer a mentorship series for those interested in this way of learning. We arrange to meet via video phone or in person. We have a six month agreement to complete six meetings (usually monthly, but not necessarily). We have an arc of direction given by you and I together, and we journey in that direction. 

For more information about Mentoring Visit Here

Beautiful Photos Provided By Jennifer Whitney  — Thank you!
About the CoCreavatars New Moon Messages from the Elders Series

Every New Moon we will share messages from our precious elders, featuring their work, and helping to bring forth their bundles of wisdom into the world to invite a deepening shift in the field, to attune to the frequency of the one world tree and to begin to realize the time of prophecy we are living in. A return to the sacred, a remembering of the ancient ways. Gratitude for these amazing wisdom keepers! 

If you would like to feature an elder in your community, please write Miku at with your ideas 3 weeks prior to the next New Moon. Submissions must be sent by 1 week prior in order to be published for the upcoming issue. Also, we would love talk with you about any Elders you would like us to reach out to. Call Miku at (+1) 206.403.8134 any time!

Dr. Miku has her Doctora de Mas Grandes Spirituales and a Ph.D. in Environmental Social Psychology / Communication from the University of Washington. She is passionate about mindfulness, social permaculture and is one of the founders of The Way of Vibrantly,  a non-profit wellness organization and school, dedicated to supporting Vibrancy, Authentic Beingness, and a Thriving World