Curandera Eda

[Originally Published in CoCreavatars New Moon Messages for the Elders]



 CoCreavatars New Moon
Message From the Elders #009:

Wisdom from Curandera Eda

Female Medicine Healer from the Peruvian Amazon
Welcome Dearest Readers to
Our New Moon Message from Curandera Eda Zavala Lopez!

Welcoming the New Moon energy of Taurus ♉ as we stretch our sleeping beings into the light of Spring Blossoms and gentle nourishing rain.

Thank you, dearest Curandera Eda, for your words, your heart, your spirit and the bundle you are carrying from Peru. Gracias for being a Light in the Dark Forest of the World right now, and inviting us into that frequency with you. Gracias for protecting the Amazon and supporting your people, the Shawi People.

Thank you Wisdom Keepers, thank you, dear Elders,
Grandmothers and Grandfathers. Gratitude for the First Fires, for the Bundles and Bundle Keepers. Gratitude for All of Our Relations and All Beings!

Write me with any comments, ideas or suggestions for Elders we should feature at I look forward to hearing from you dear ones.

With Love & Aloha,
for all of our Relations,

“While she is resting
and we are crossing the dark forest,
we-humans have to enlighten our path
with the light we carry inside.

If somebody has forgotten 
it is time to switch on the light
 and reestablish a kind balance
where we all peacefully coexist 
and support each other. “

The Light in the Dark Forest:

Conversations with Curandera Eda Zavala Lopez

By Eda Zavala Lopez
Edited by Miku Lenentine

Hola Dear Readers,

I am a Peruvian shaman deeply connected to my Indigenous roots and a cultural ambassador traveling around America and Europe to share my knowledge and ancient wisdom and touch human hearts and meet Nature Spirits all over while I walk up in the Andes, deep into the jungle. In the desert, with the oceans and cold forests.  

I am an activist, deeply engaged with my People, fighting for their rights, defending indigenous territories, sacred lands and protecting pristine forests and headwaters up in the cloud forest of San Martin, Peru.


I just want to share and send to you Seeds for Inspiration, particularly at this time, times of fears, sickness and resilience in the face of adversity.   

Indigenous People believe that making spiritual retreats once a year, taking weeks, months or even one full year, strengthens our spirit. During this time we isolate ourselves and follow a strict diet to clear our minds, and cleanse our bodies. 

This is a special time of focus where we examine and explore our patterns, behaviours, fears and tune into our Hope. Listening all the while to the wise teachings we receive from Mother Nature with respect and kindness.


Silence, Contemplation and Solitude are the key to return to everyday life,
deeply restored, sensitive and clear. A good example to apply in current times.

During these times of fasting and cleansing we do not plan far into the future, rather, we receive and soak up information from Nature or through our dreams in which we walk and explore new ‘surfaces’ of human coexistence.

human coexistence all over…
near and far,
a human coexistence where we respect each other and live in total harmony with other species
(plants, trees, birds, animals, rivers, mountains and forests)
No more, no less, just the right amount of anything. 

We are in the middle of some sort of emotional and spiritual ‘earthquake’ right now. This intense shaking reminds us that we are just one of the thousands species, one that is also vulnerable and because we did not keep the balance, we all fell down.

Elders say this is a particular time where Mother Earth ‘stretches out’ just a little bit and lays down to just take a break and rest for a time. While she is resting and we are crossing the dark forest, we-humans have to enlighten our path with the light we carry inside -if somebody forgot, it´s time to switch on- and restablish a kind balance where we all peacefully coexist and support each other

The pandemic COVID-19 is harsh and rough BUT it´s showing up that humans are capable to rebirth and reopen the portal of transformation again, equally gratefully and with equity.

All Nations,
All People and
All Species

Cohabit this wonderful planet and share space and resources equally.   


About Curandera Eda Zavala Lopez


Eda is a direct descendant of the Wari people of Peru. She inherited ancient traditions and profound knowledge related to plants, spirits and magical storytelling from her ancestors. Indigenous wisdom from the Highlands (Huarochiri and Huanta) and the Amazon Rainforest (Ashaninka Tribe) is a part of her DNA. She is well educated and studied sociology and anthropology at Catholic University in Lima, Peru.

After her first experience with her Master Plant in 1989 while living with magical beings in the jungle and spiritual guardians of the mountains (Apus), Eda reconnected with her ancient knowledge and became aware of the incredible wisdom that her ancestors passed on to her as a child through her grandmother. Upon this awakening, Eda would never return to live or work in Lima. She felt a powerful calling to stay deep in the Amazon forest or up in the highlands.

Over a twenty-five year journey, Eda became a Shaman, a healer, a curandera. The true essence and meaning of her life is in honoring the ancient wisdom of her ancestors and practicing the new skills that nature, plant medicines and Indigenous Elders pass on to her. Serving her people, Eda has become a spiritual leader in her tribal community and supports their efforts to defend their territories– the pristine forests, natural resources and headwaters. Today she walks among the indigenous, modern and global worlds. She brings technical assistance to indigenous communities to protect their lands legally, to preserve the amazing sources of native plants, trees, animals and water and to help perpetuate the ancient healing practices among her people and others.



Curandera Eda’s Healing Offerings

Eda leads ceremonies and spiritual journeys deep into the Peruvian Amazon or in Tarapoto, in northeastern Peru. Her healing sessions are very personal, one-on-one, and her treatment is unique. She works in each individual to release old  traumas and blockages and move him or her forward into a positive direction.  First she reads the energy of the patient , diagnoses the emotional or physical illness and then gives the treatment. The synergy created between her and the participant remove clear blockages in emotion, body and spirit allowing for a very effective treatment.

One on One Healing Journeys in the Amazon

One on One Journeys Online via Distance Healing (New!)

 Eda is offering this on a sliding scale – $35 an hour as the bottom of the sliding scale. 
She will be donating 30% of the proceeds to the Shawi.


Contact Curandera Eda directly by emailing for more information about journeying one on one. 

Help Protect Eda’s Home & the Shawi People

Curandera Eda is also a Shaman Activist (Chamana Activista)
working to protect and care for her Amazon home and her people, the Shawi People. 

Please help support Eda in her work to save her people and the incredible jungle forests of the Amazon.

Donate to Protect the Amazon & the Shawi People

Why the Shawi Need Your Help

The Shawi are a small group of indigenous people who have lived on their land in the Amazon for generations.  They have been displaced by illegal logging, invasive agriculture, gold miners and drug traffickers. The once abundant game they hunted has also been driven away by the destruction of habitat and logging traffic, and the Shawi are increasingly unable to find enough food.

Now with the threat of the pandemic, already weakened by malnutrition, the Shawi are fighting to get public health assistance, and hoping western medicine can help them now that they have lost access to the plant medicines that grew on their once pristine and abundant land. Village leaders have sought help from the Regional Government of San Martin for primary care, particularly for babies, children, and pregnant women, however the government’s efforts are focused on urban areas, and the 880 people of the Shawi tribe are located more than four hours on dirt roads from the nearest city.  The government has provided assistance for two of the villages, but it is inadequate for the demand.

What your help can provide
The Shawi people would like to partner with the local government to immediately build small community health centers – ‘Botiquines Comunates,’ and train 14 young leaders – one man and one woman from each village- to help control infections and illness until people can be treated by physicians.

Chronic lung and stomach infections make the Shawi particularly vulnerable to COVID-19, and Pharmaceuticals are needed to treat these illnesses and strengthen the immune systems to be able to fight the virus.

Stipends for the training as well as food for the young leaders and their families will make their education and work possible. The hope is that by training villagers in western medicine, they will be able to retain their indigenous identity and be a bridge to their people to save their culture, and lives.

100% of donations will go directly to the Tribe and the welfare of the 880 villagers.

Donate to Protect the Amazon & the Shawi People

(All photo credits of the Shawi people go to the amazing Elena Greenlee! Thank you Elena.)
About the CoCreavatars New Moon Messages from the Elders Series

Every New Moon we will share messages from our precious elders, featuring their work, and helping to bring forth their bundles of wisdom into the world to invite a deepening shift in the field, to attune to the frequency of the one world tree and to begin to realize the time of prophecy we are living in. A return to the sacred, a remembering of the ancient ways. Gratitude for these amazing wisdom keepers! 

If you would like to feature an elder in your community, please write Miku at with your ideas 3 weeks prior to the next New Moon. Submissions must be sent by 1 week prior in order to be published for the upcoming issue. Also, we would love talk with you about any Elders you would like us to reach out to. Call Miku at (+1) 206.403.8134 any time!

Dr. Miku has her Doctora de Mas Grandes Spirituales and a Ph.D. in Environmental Social Psychology / Communication from the University of Washington. She is passionate about mindfulness, social permaculture and is one of the founders of The Way of Vibrantly,  a non-profit wellness organization and school, dedicated to supporting Vibrancy, Authentic Beingness, and a Thriving World