Wildness, Non-Human People and the Lion’s Roar



We live in interesting times right now. Our dear Auntie Hazel, who teaches about permaculture, relocalizing and wild-tending has always said this. How interesting it is to be at the end of ages, or the end of Empire, she might say!


Grandmother Kaariina, our beloved Saami Elder and carrier of the Obsidian Pipe, calls these times the times of prophecy. Mythological times, of great dying and resurrections. A time of ancient alchemy.


Given the magnitude of the challenge facing so many of us, in great and small ways, what can we do to not lose ourselves in it all? I wish to offer you an answer that I have gleaned from over a dozen interviews with traditional elders over the past few years. They all say the same thing. Over and over, in different ways. Just like the great sages of old, and the gurus and enlightened masters; they say the same thing in different ways.






Here is what they have shared…


First, find a practice.


Any practice to help you consciously come back to yourself. Whether it is going for walks, praying in the morning to the wild spirits of the land, or pouring a cup of hot tea in the morning and taking 3 long slow breaths. Whatever it is, let it be some practice that helps you ground and return to yourself. 


Second, connect with the earth. 

Take a moment, in some small (or grand way!) to consciously connect with this world, with Mama Gaia, pachamama, Aina (however your call her) and perhaps also the non-human relations we are in kinship with. Maybe this means visualizing a certain place (if you can’t get to it), or pouring a few drops of your morning coffee onto the ground in thanks. 



These two acts may sounds simple, and that is because they are! The more you do them, the more you will come into deeper and deeper relationship with yourself, your true nature, and your interconnectedness with all beings on the planet. Human and non-human. And the more you do this, the better and more grounded you will feel as you walk this earth, or even as you self-isolate in your home! You don’t have to go anywhere to do these practices, and perhaps, given our current situation, it might be better to find a personal grounding practice, and a practice to connect with the earth that you can do anywhere. If you haven’t invested in cultivating these two essential daily acts as a habit yet, it isn’t too late. In fact, this is the best time to do it. Maybe…even right now.



Stop for a second, and ask yourself:


1). What is a daily practice for grounding I am doing each day? To feel nourished, whole, and sound in myself?

2). What is one way I am connecting with the earth and giving thanks each day? (or perhaps connecting with other non-human kin daily?)




If you don’t have something come to mind immediately, I would like to offer two practices you might explore.


First, for self-grounding, and beginning to find yourself at the eye of the storm, in strength and calm… I offer the Buddhist teaching of the Lion’s Roar, also known as Sukha. 




In the Buddhist tradition, the word sukha is used to describe the deepest type of happiness that is independent of what is happening.  It has to do with a kind of faith, a kind of trust that our heart can be with whatever comes our way. It gives us a confidence that is sometimes described as the lion’s roar.”


– From Tara Brach’s writings on the Lion’s Roar





It, like all practices, takes practice, and sometimes years to cultivate. But like any worthy project, time and care, little by little, will see it through.


The writings and work of Thich Nhat Hanh are an excellent place to begin, should you choose this as your practice. You can find his Plum Village Teachings Here: https://thichnhathanhfoundation.org/


Thich Nhat Hanh’s Zen Plum Village tradition has also beautifully embraced and actively encouraged the practice of Interbeing-ness, which speaks to the second practice, connecting with the earth and all beings. Here is a beautiful meditation you might explore bringing into your day to help you connect more with your non-human kin called


“The Three Earth Touchings”: https://plumvillage.org/key-practice-texts/the-three-earth-touchings/


The Three Earth Touchings





“Walking the ELEMENTAL WHEEL invites an emptying of the emotional cups so that the
devas can offer your receptivity the love and truth and responsibility awaiting.” 


“A lifetime in which leadership with moral codes, with a yogic strength of focus,
guided by an inner compass and confidence of a navigator through
wild weather that fine-tunes one’s abilities.”


– From the teachings of the Elemental Wheel, By Grandmother Kaariina



Finally, I offer for your this beautiful otherworldly meditation shared by Grandmother Kaariina for connecting with the various elements of nature, which she refers to is Devas or wild spirit beings of the earth and sky: https://us8.campaign-archive.com/?u=ea44c82eae0982e5dd09cc8fe&id=30d38ce19a


Blessings to you in your journeys friends and take care out there!


With Love,

Dr. Miku aka KeTukal 😉