道Vibrantly Community Yoga

道Vibrantly Community Yoga is a hatha flow style of yoga that strikes a balance between energetic flow and vibrant stillness. The flow, though guided, comes from each unique practitioner as they find their own rhythm for what works best for them in each moment. The foundation for these classes is based on sun-salutations and breath-directed movement. Each participant is also guided to move from and with their center. This practice is open to all, though it is designed for people who have some familiarity with yoga already (beginners welcome!).

This practice is a free offering for the community. Donations are gratefully accepted (though never expected).

We offer community yoga practice through our 道Vibrantly Community Yoga Program at Festivals such as Beloved Festival, Community Gatherings such as our Seasonal Wheel Gatherings, as well as at conferences such as the Global Earth Repair Conference, the Northwest Permaculture Convergence and also the Northwest Intentional Communities Gathering.

Please email us at thewayofvibrantly@gmail.com if you would like us to offer a free / donation-based yoga flow for your conference or community gathering!

If you are local to Seattle, we also practice weekly through our Compassionate Movement MeetUp.

Visit our MeetUp Page for our practice schedule: https://www.meetup.com/Compassionate-Movement-and-Dialogue-Practice

Or our Face Booke Page Here: https://www.facebook.com/thewayofvibrantly/